6 Tips for Getting Back Into the Gym as Summer Winds Down

by Mary Lambkin
As the summer winds down, it's time to pack away your beach towel and get out your gym towel! Whether you kept your fitness journey on track, or spent more time enjoying summer fun, now is a great time to take that beach vibe into the gym with you.
Getting back into the gym is easy with the help of a few simple strategies. Follow the five tips below to make accomplishing your fall fitness goals feel like a (summer) breeze.
1. Create an End-of-Summer Schedule
As summer comes to an end, work and school schedules tend to ramp up. While you might think this makes it harder to plan regular sweat sessions, there's no better time to embrace a new fitness routine!
As you finalize your end-of-summer schedule, try to pencil in at least 30 minutes of gym time twice a week. Once you've settled into the routine, see if you can squeeze in an extra workout or two.
2. Prepare Everything the Night Before
Sometimes half the battle of working out is simply getting to the gym. Just showing up is an accomplishment. You can make your fitness commute easier by laying out all of your clothes the night before and packing your gym bag in advance.
When it's time for your workout, you'll be ready — and out the door — in minutes. We wouldn't judge you for sleeping in a comfy pair of workout leggings so you can bolt to the gym first thing in the morning!
3. Record (and Review) Your Accomplishments
Keep your motivation levels high by recording your accomplishments after each workout. To do this, simply log your sweat sessions in an old-school paper journal or use a fitness app to keep track of the exercises you performed.
For additional support take advantage of our motivating member experiences and tips in our Facebook Member Group! Reflecting on your successes will make you feel proud about getting back into the gym — and inspire you to keep going.
4. Focus on the Long Term
As summer winds down, a busy back-to-school period is closely followed by fall and winter holidays, plus the new year. It's a good idea to establish a healthy routine now so that you can enjoy (and indulge) during the festive winter months.
As you prepare for your late-summer and early-autumn workouts, think about how great you'll feel during those November and December holiday parties. Prioritizing your workouts and keeping up good habits will help you build a strong, healthy heart — something you'll definitely thank yourself for in the future.
5. Partner with a Gym Buddy
You can always make working out more fun with the support of a gym buddy! If you've established a strong friendship at work or through a hobby, take your relationship to the next level by partnering together for a workout. Getting back into the gym with the support of a friend can help hold you accountable and encourage you to work even harder.
6. Treat Yourself
And because fun and relaxation should never be limited to just the summer season, why not hit the hydromassage when you're done with your sweat session? With the PF Black Card®, you can treat yourself with every workout.
As always, please consult with a physician prior to beginning any exercise program. See full medical disclaimer here.