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Let’s Shift Random Acts of Kindness to Regular Acts of Kindness

woman on treadmill giving thumbs up

by Planet Fitness

On any given day in a Planet Fitness club, you’ll find friendly and welcoming staff high-fiving gym goers and chatting with members on a first name basis— all with the intent to create an environment where everyone can feel comfortable and encouraged during their workout.

As the home of the Judgement Free Zone®, we know the amazing things that are possible when people feel like they belong. That’s why we’re expanding our philosophy of kindness beyond our clubs and into our communities through our charitable initiative, The Judgement Free Generation®. Our mission is to empower a generation to grow up contributing to a more judgement free planet— a place where everyone feels like they belong.

To accomplish this mission, we’re asking people to reexamine how they view kindness — in particular, the concept of random acts of kindness. We believe that kindness shouldn’t be random at all. Instead, it should be practiced frequently and with intention.

Developed in partnership with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, one of the nation’s leading nonprofit bullying prevention organizations, below are five tips for raising consistently kind kids:


  1. Model Kind Behavior. Being a copycat can be a good thing. Your kids are always watching and learning from what you do, so remember to exhibit kindness regularly with everyone in your daily life, from their teachers at school to wait staff in a restaurant or your postal worker. Even when you’re tired, stressed or distracted, taking a moment to remember that the behavior you model will be the behavior they mimic makes all the difference. 


  1. Watch and Learn. Whether watching a movie together or in line at the grocery store, your child will have many opportunities to observe examples of both kind and unkind behaviors. Encourage your child to consider how observed interactions impact those involved, whether positively or negatively. These interactions can serve as teachable moments for the future.
  2. Caught Being Kind. Kids hear all the time about what they shouldn’t be doing, but what about what they should be doing? Reinforce kind behavior by acknowledging specific examples and encouraging a dialogue around what they did and why it matters, such as, “I am proud that you included the new student from school today at the playground. How do you think it made them feel?”


  1. Exercise Kindness Daily. Learning to be kind is just like learning to play a sport or an instrument. Make kindness a daily ritual by reflecting on something kind that you witnessed and discussing as a family to help your kids build muscle memory and make caring second nature.
  2. Imagine If... Ask your children to consider the perspectives of people they don’t usually talk to, such as a new student at school, a student who looks different than them or a student who has been teased. Ask, “How would you feel if…” to help your child see how actions impact others.


Kindness is like a muscle. Let’s exercise it regularly!

Together with our members, partners, and franchisees, we are proud to have donated more than $4 million to our nonprofit partners in support of pro-kindness, bullying prevention efforts. Learn more about The Judgement Free Generation® and our efforts to stop bulling and spread kindness at