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Results for 'total body enhancement'

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Planet Fitness Celebrates The New Year With National Sale And Promotion With New Balance

In addition, Planet Fitness is also announcing a new PF Black Card® benefit as a result of a national promotion with New Balance, the global performance footwear and athletic brand.

5 Ways to Promote a Positive Body Image in Your Home

A positive body image can impact a number of aspects in your life! Learn how to promote this positivity in your home with these five family-friendly tips. 

Endorphins After Exercise Are Your New Happiness Fix

Find yourself in a super good mood after a stint in the gym? You can thank the mood-lifting effects of endorphins after exercise! 

How Weight Training Can Complement Your Cardio Routine

If you always find yourself on the treadmill at the gym, you could be missing out. Learn why weight training is a great supplement to any cardio routine.