7 Father's Day Gifts for the Fitness Lover in Your Life

by Cheryl S. Grant
Finding the right Father's Day gift can be a daunting task. But it shouldn't be! Father's Day is about celebrating and thanking the man who works hard for your family and puts everyone's well-being before his own.
So, what better gift is there than the gift of health? If the father in your life likes to work out or is looking to get more active, choose among these seven fitness-related Father's Day gifts that are sure to help him do just that.
1. Wearables
These are all the hype — and for good reason! Having a device that keeps track of how many steps he takes and how active he is can help him reach his fitness goals in no time. Don't underestimate what 10,000 steps a day can do! Plus, many trackers can help monitor sleep patterns, food patterns, and heart rate; all important factors if the father in your life is looking to get (and stay) healthy.
2. New Workout Gear
Skip typical Father's Day gifts like ties, dress shirts, and socks. Upgrade his workout wardrobe instead! Look for lightweight T-shirts and shorts he can wear during sweat sessions. Choose ones that are moisture-wicking so he can stay dry and work out comfortably. And, if he's been too busy to sign himself up, top the gift off with a membership to your local gym where he can show off his new clothes.
3. Kitchen Gadgets
If Dad likes to experiment in the kitchen with the help of some gadgets (and who doesn't?), then the right cooking tool might be just the thing. Check out the latest air fryers or grab an instant pot, as these items can help him quickly whip up tasty meals that are also healthy. If he has yet to discover the beauty of a delicious smoothie in the heat of July, find the latest high-speed blender.
These items can help him eat light and fuel up for the gym. As an added bonus: the whole family could also benefit, come dinnertime.
4. Fresh Footwear
If the father in your life is into trail walking, biking, or running, then there is a pair of shoes out there for him. Choose ones that are specific to the sport he enjoys and designed to help him perform his best.
Those old brown sneakers he wears to the gym — the ones that are falling apart — they are actually putting him at risk of injury! A good pair of shoes is an investment in his health and safety. If he stubbornly refuses to upgrade his shoes, like many fathers do, surprise him some comfortable (and high-quality) kicks.
5. Bike Equipment
Remember those hours Dad spent teaching you how to ride a bike? Time to return the favor! If he already has a bike, pick up a new gel seat to make his ride more comfortable. UPF clothing or a new helmet are also great options!
Then, suggest you go on a Father's Day bike excursion — the two of you can share the experience of exploring a new area and enjoying a nice picnic. Time together is one of the most valuable (and heart-warming) gifts you can give.
6. An Opportunity for Adventure
Is there something the father in your life has always wanted to try but has never been able to find time for? Help him out! Spring for introductory lessons on martial arts, cooking, dancing, or whatever it is he has been dying to learn.
If Dad's an adventure-seeker, consider a professional car racing ride-along or a skydiving trip. Not only will he have fun, but he can also knock a few items off his bucket list.
7. At-Home Equipment
On the days that he has to pick up the kids from school and can't make it to the gym, having at-home workout equipment can make a father's life a little easier. Something as simple as a chin-up bar, jump rope, free weights, or medicine ball are always effective — and easily stored. This way, he never has to skip a workout!